Special guests and events to keep you curious.

  • Sessions with Pat: September 21 • 11:00am - 6:00pm

    Foot Reflexology • Ear Reflexology • Eden Energy Medicine

    Ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Native Americancultures knew the stimulation of the nerves in the feet, hands, and ears (REFLEXOLOGY and/or Ear Seeding) results in improved health, including: Improved circulation, increased energy levels, physical, mental, emotional balnce, plus… it is a major STRESS BUSTER!!!

    EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE looks at your energy patterns and balances/strengthens 8 energy systems, including: Aura Triple Warmer, Chakras Radiant Circuits, Meridians Five Rhythms, and Celtic Weave Electrics.


    Foot Reflexology: 30 min = $45, 60 min = $80

    Eden Energy Medicine: 60 min = $80, 90 min = $115

    Ear Seeding/Reflexology: 60 min whole therapeutic = $50, 1 issue = $30

  • Book Signing & Shamanic Herbalism Class

    Book Siging 2:00 - 4:00pm (no sign up required)

    Shamanic Herbalism class 5:00 - 7:00pm

    Based on his newsest book A Shamanic Herbal, herbalist Matthew Wood interweaves practical herbalism and the spiritual potency of Nature to deeply explore the plant teachers, animal medicines, and foundational principles of shamanism as a spiritual path.

    Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist for over forty years. He is an internationally known teacher and author with more than ten books to his credit, including The Book of Herbal Wisdom, The Earthwise Herbals, Holistic Medicine and the Extracellular Matrix, and A Shamanic Herbal. Matthew has a master of science degree in herbal medicine from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited, U. of Wales). He runs an online school, the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism, and lives in Spring Valley, Wisconsin.

  • Sessions with Jeff & Jo: September 18 • 11:00am - 6:00pm

    Jeff and Jo will be back in the store offering all of their amazing services.

    Jeff offers Shamanic services, Hypnotherapy, including past life, and Crystal Reiki. He brings his years of energy experience and ability to understand how everything is interconnected to bring about a deeply healing experience in each of his sessions. Jeffs compassion and knowledge ensures you’ll receive the healing opportunity that is for your highest and best good.

    Jo is a true reiki master, Jo weaves and blends her magic whether it’s Holy Fire Reiki, Angelic Reiki, or Karuna Reiki. She brings this same magic to her Intuitive Cranial Sacral sessions and her Access Bars work. Jo’s loving, nurturing nature ensures you’ll receive the healing opportunity that is for your highest and best good.

  • Halloween Metaphysical Fair October 26 • 10:00am - 4:00pm

    We will be hosting over a dozen service providers that can offer insight and guidance to your questions. Wellness sessions are available too! Tarot, acupuncture, astrology, power animal retrievals, henna, and more!

    Stop by anytime from 10am to 4pm and simply sign up for as many services as you want. Tickets can be purchased on the spot at the front counter. Tickets are $10 for 10 minutes of reading time. All services are 10 to 20 minutes.

    No pre-registration required!