Astrology Readings

Life is a journey of self-discovery. In all great stories, asking the question “Who am I” is the catalyst for the hero’s journey. Shamanic astrology is a tool we can use like a map to help guide us on a quest for a fulfilling life.

Astrology Readings with Zach


Individual (90 minutes) - $80 Couple (120 minutes) - $120

  • The Reading

    A birth chart is a map of all of the planets at the exact time an individual was born. During the chart interpretation, Zach will explain how the location of all 12 planets corresponds to your 12 houses, and what that means for you. Your chart can hold valuable insight into your personality. You may discover talents that could be nurtured, or areas in your life that could be strengthened. To fully understand your chart, exact birth time and location is recommended.

  • What is Shamanic Astrology?

    Shamanic Astrology, founded by Daniel Giamario in the early 1990’s, is an earth based astrology that is drawn from various astrological lineages across the ages. Shamanic astrology views all signs as equal and valid paths to enlightenment. It is especially useful in helping individuals navigate through pivotal moments in life and assist in unfolding one’s life purpose.

  • About Zach

    Zach born and raised in Michigan, moved to Traverse City to become a part of the Higher Self family in 2015. His metaphysical studies began with reiki and grew from their. Zach began studying shamanic practices under Jeff Currier in 2016 while avidly studying astrology. Zach combines his knowledge and training of shamanism, astrology, and reiki to create a space of healing and guidance.